Thursday, January 5, 2017

Finding Credible Sources During These Crazy Times We're Living In

C'mon, you know you'd click.

*Sigh, where do I even begin. My lecture on credible sources used to be so succinct and cute. I had a little acronym (courtesy of some awesome librarians) that helped explain how to tell in an online source was credible. CRAP. Currency, Relevance/Reliability, Authority/Audience, Purpose/Point of View. (link for those who want to know more). Sure, the acronym really should’ve been CRRAAPP, but it was a simpler time. 

It can be easy to roll our eyes as our Aunt Kimothy shares yet another clickbait article about scientists secretly plotting to a coup so that killer whales can finally take their rightful place as our overlords. But there are real, important issues at play here. Fake news, biased articles, and flat-out propaganda are harder and harder to distinguish from good, fact-based journalism. Part of this is because of how the internet has evolved. Very few people get their news from print anymore, so the internet is the place to go. But the internet doesn’t have to go through fact-checkers, editors, etc. (although many sites certainly do have stringent editing mechanisms in place). Also, there is a huge financial incentive for content creators to write clickbait articles. Some are accurate with clickbait titles like “You’ll Never Believe What This Ghost Said to Tom Cruise” but some are purposefully inaccurate in an attempt to get people like Aunt Kimothy to hit the “share” button and spread that puppy around, generating advertising revenue with each sucker who clicks. The people behind these types of articles like these Macedonian teens who are in the game to pay for their guitar equipment or this liberal dude who built a fake news empire with fake pro-Trump/anti-Hillary content. 

We know that fake news (as in journalism based in falsehoods, not journalism a certain someone disagrees with) and extreme bias is everywhere. How do we sniff out that putrid, stinking rat? (What a gross expression. My bad!)

Here are four types of sites/articles to keep an eye out for (courtesy of Dr. Melissa Zimdars): 

  1. “Fake, false, regularly misleading sites” which rely on “outrage” using distorted headlines and decontextualized or dubious information in order to generate likes, shares, and profits” (examples: Politicalo,  
  2. Websites that may circulate misleading and/or potentially unreliable information (examples:,
  3.   These websites sometimes use clickbait-y headlines and social media descriptions (examples:,
  4.  Purposefully fake satire/comedy sites that can offer critical commentary on politics and society, but have the potential to be shared as actual/literal news (examples:,
Give them their Pulitzer!

Here are some tips for routing out bad info (also courtesy of Dr. Melissa Zimdars):

  1. Avoid websites that end in “lo” ex: Newslo (above). These sites specialize in taking a piece of accurate information and then packaging that information with other false or misleading “facts.”
  2.  Watch out for websites that end in “” as they are often fake versions of real news sources.
  3.  Watch out if known/reputable news sites are not also reporting on the story. Sometimes lack of coverage is the result of corporate media bias and other factors, but there should typically be more than one source reporting on a topic or event.
  4.  Odd domain names generally equal odd and rarely truthful news.
  5.  Lack of author attribution may, but not always, signify that the news story is suspect and requires verification.
  6. Check the “About Us” tab on websites or look up the website on Snopes or Wikipedia for more information about the source.
  7.  If the story makes you REALLY ANGRY it’s probably a good idea to keep reading about the topic via other sources to make sure the story you read wasn’t purposefully trying to make you angry (with potentially misleading or false information) in order to generate shares and ad revenue.
  8. Uh oh, she needs step #7!
  9.  It’s always best to read multiple sources of information to get a variety of viewpoints and media frames. Some sources not specifically included in this list (although their practices at times may qualify them for addition), such as The Daily Kos and Fox News, vacillate between providing legitimate, problematic, and/or hyperbolic news coverage, requiring readers and viewers to verify and contextualize information with other sources

 So here’s your assignment for this post—copy and paste the link to a fake news article. It can be as blatant or as camouflaged as you’d like. Along with the link, I’d like you to provide a paragraph response explaining how you could tell this source wasn’t legitimate. What about it made you question its veracity? When you’ve done this, also respond to one other classmate’s post, adding your take on the linked article they provided. Did you think it was not credible? Were you fooled?



    Well this wasn't legitimate because there obviously aren't surgically-altered Obama doubles walking about, living life. The fact that two dozen of them were alleged Barack Obama body doubles as well, was immediately suspicious to me. Two dozen, near-perfect, copies, of Obama?

    Firstly, it's unethical for any job to require invasive cosmetic surgery. Secondly, it sounds ludicrous and crazy, right off the bat. So there.

    1. I agree this article appears to be VERY fake. I mean even the picture of the doubles look very photoshopped. Also, it is very unlikely that the White House would ask these people who look like Obama to get operations in order to look like Trump. Overall, seems to be just another joke article

    2. i agreed too. This is read like a novel rather than news. The author didn't show us any evidence about it. Looks like a journalist who needs fame wrote this fiction.

    3. Aside from the fact that this was obviously a satirical article from The Onion, I agree that the premise is ridiculous as well. Even if a reputable news agency published this, the story is simply too unbelievable for it to hold any merit.

    4. Can't agree more. It's really unethical, and the picture is clearly photoshopped, so we are not sure if this article is for fun.

    5. I also agree that this article is very fake. I think it is a very funny idea for an article though, and I am glad that The Onion is poking fun at some of the crazy stories that people pass off as real nowadays.


    The first thing that threw me off was the title as I could tell from there it was a humorous news article which is what the creates. The photoshopped Obama's head into 4 people photo made it obvious that it wasn't reliable. I questioned it veracity during this same moment to as it made you look twice just to make sure.

    1. I chose the same article as you! What a coincidence. I agree with your points whole-heartedly.

    2. My first glance at the picture, I could tell it was clearly photoshopped. The website onion itself, you can tell it is a joke.

    3. I personally think this artcle is well done, because it given some data and a lot of quotes from different. But the picture is so clearly photoshopped, which seems not credible

    4. Totally agree with what you said about the photoshopped heads, it was somewhat poorly done to be intentionally satirical. Funny piece though, made me laugh.

    5. At least it was an interesting article. You could obviously tell the picture was photoshopped at first glance. There was an attempt at making the article seem credible.

    6. The onion articles are always absolutely absurd and hilarious, but undoubtedly fake.


    This article talks about how users of Internet Explorer have lower IQ's than users of other browsers. Without even questioning it, I instantly believed this article to be true because it presents data charts and statistics to back up their claim. If someone presents me data, I usually believe it to be true just because I'm so use to dealing with real data collected as I am a science major (although I know I shouldn't do this). However, I then began to questioned the title of the article. After seeing this, I wondered how could there ever be a correlation between the type of web browser you use and your IQ, it doesn't really make sense. Also, this article aparently caused a lot of commotion, causing people to research into it. The biggest thing that was found that proves this article to be fake is that it was founded that the charts of data and pictures in this article were taken directly from a French company called Central Test. The author of the article later came out in saying that the article is a hoax or a 'joke' article.

    1. I would probably have been more skeptical than you. Anytime I see something claiming someone is smarter, stronger, or better at something than others simply because they do something different completely unrelated to the topic I usually find it hard to believe.
      Tyler Young

    2. Bold move calling out a source that a lot of people swear by. While the Huffington Post generally reports correctly on real events, they're infamous for being so biased that it's hard to use as an actual news source. It upsets me that they would be willing to write satire, since so its such a popular outlet and trusted by plenty of people.

    3. I would have been fooled! I generally think The Huffington Post has considerable legitimacy for most of its articles, so I would have immediately assumed that the post was factual. Oh well, I guess I'm just another sheep.


    The article I found talks about the conspiracy that Barack Obama is trying to get the newly elected president Donald Trump impeached. I instantly was cautious because it comes form a news source known for its inaccuracies. Also, the thought of Obama doing something so outlandish is highly skeptical. Usually when a news media says a famous person is contemplating something they are making it up to provide a good story without anyone ever being able to say they committed libel, because no one can read Obama's mind and what he really is thinking.
    Tyler Young

    1. I definitely agree with your stance on this article. And even if Obama was planning on impeaching Trump, it would either be extremely private or all over the news. He would most likely keep his plan to himself, but if he did leak it, every major news source would be covering it. It blows my mind that some people actually believe these types of articles.

    2. I agree with your post as I was immediately skeptical just from the title. I also agree with Nate's comment that it would have been all over other new's station if anything had happened. A news article can't be solely based on speculation. Even though there may be people fooled by this article, there is an easy way to debunk it.


    There are multiple reasons this source isn't legitimate. The first being that the source is The Onion. The Onion is known for its sarcastic articles on a wide variety of topics. Although their website looks somewhat legit, all of the information on there is most likely inaccurate. If you didn't know about The Onion and its reputation, after reading the article, you would immediately realize how it is not legitimate. The article discusses how a person is starting to get news from a wide variety of his Facebook friends. It goes on discussing how he now reads through all people's comments in order to get a full perspective. Obviously this is fake, because everybody knows to not believe any information off Facebook, especially information posted by your friends. This article is making fun of the fact that some people fall into this trap and believe that the information posted by their friends on Facebook is accurate.


    There are couple reasons that this piece of news is not legitimate. First of all, the source of the news is the politic section of The Onion, the most famous news website in America for being sarcastic and “unreal”. What is more, according to the news, the administration officer said that he is grateful to being working with those people who he can later turn over in exchange for immunity. “It’s such an honor to be surrounded by almost countless people who, if it ever came down to it, I could hand over to the authorities in order to escape prosecution.” Even though I not sure if the officer really felt in this way but obviously he doesn’t have to gut to say so.

    1. Being from the onion, this article did not really fool me. It does however, give an ironic taste into government as it just exaggerates what many think is happening in the government today under Trumps Administration

    2. I agree with you about the onion as that is there purpose so it was a obvious give away. This article is a little harder to see as being a goof but it expands on information from the government making it something you would actually have to pay attention to to know its fake. Its also is showing what Donald Trump is accordingly doing.


    This article I found talks about Obama banning the pledge of allegiance because he believes it is “divisive” and “contrary to America’s deepest held values." I could tell it is not legitimate because the website ends in The article has quotes from "sock it forward" a organization that provides the homeless with new socks. "Please, donate what you can, every bit helps so much.” That has nothing to do with Obama.


    Hopefully everyone remembers how the felt when they first heard that a 450-pound silverback gorilla had received more votes for president than the final margins in certain states. Thankfully, it's been confirmed by a variety of sources that this was a complete hoax. First of all, this story "broke" hours after the election took place, and considering write-in ballots are treated like absentee or provisional ballots, they wouldn't be counted until all the others were. Also, most states have laws about write-in votes that wouldn't have allowed the famous primate to be a legal candidate. At least we can trust the US election system to do that much right.

    1. Wow! Even though this article makes such a ridiculous claim, the way it provides evidence through many tweets is sure to make anyone baffle for at least a moment. I found it humorous, but it was quickly obvious there is no way so many would vote for an animal.

    2. Along with the dailysnark being a notorious facebook click bait site, the use of unverified tweets and the fact that no other major news sites wrote about this show that this article wasn't accurate


    Although this article does not scream "invalid," it is still somewhat easy to tell it wasn't a real situation. The recent election never ceased to surprise anyone as many shocking and cutthroat comments were made by both sides of politicians. This would make it more convincing if someone had happened to publish and article claiming vice president Mike Pence said some violent things about Michelle Obama and how a women like her "should act." However, any amount of further research or acknowledgement of current events will prove that he never actually said such things. Although politicians have proved to stoop down to incredible levels, it is important to remember to keep an open mind while reading articles such as this, especially since making claims such as those made in the article would be political suicide.

    This article is blatantly fake as it is from the well known onion satire site. However, some markers to show it was fake was the fact that the photo was obviously a photo-shop job, and also having background knowledge along with common sense, it would be very out of character for Paul Ryan to let a protestor to follow him every day, let alone comment about her speed and her extreme aerobic fitness

    1. The first thing I noticed was the obviously photoshopped photo. Another thing that made me think that it was a fake news article was the insanely long title. And finally, like you said, the article is from which is known for its satire.

    2. Funny how we're all trained to spot photoshopped images online, and yet people see written text and...

    The first clue I used to determine that this article was not legitimate was that it was from which is widely known for its fake articles. Additionally, it's not even really an article, its really just a paragraph repeating what the title already said with the addition of a few more details. The ridiculously long and wordy title also led me to believe that this was not a real article. Finally, the concept of writing something on such an idiotic topic should give it away to readings that this is not a real article.

    1. Yeah I agree with you. this website seems kind of odd. Also, the title seems kind of ridiculously while the article which I think is not legitimate is with exaggerated title.

    This story is about a woman chased Paul Ryan for for the nine miles and Paul Ryan is very inpressed by that. And a photo clearly made by PS is posted with article. This article is posted on, which is not a credible source, and there is no any proof for this story. Last, this story is just too weird to be believed. Ryan was chased by a outraged woman in his morning run and impressed by it, it is just weird.

    1. Any Onion article whatsoever is not to be trusted as an actual source unless of course the assignment is to be satirical. It seems a lot of The Onion's articles are outlandish such as this one.

    There are several reasons explaining why I think this article is not legitimate. First of all, the title of the news is kind of exaggerated and not convincing, which makes it look like that it is made up political news, aiming at generating web traffic and therefore advertising revenue.In addition, this article focus on "violence and chaos and aggressive wording" to attract readers. As a result, This kind of news just reflect the positions of supporters of Donald Trump, which seems kind of subjective.


    Well, the fact that Donald Trump is currently serving as President of the United States was a good indicator that the entire article was false. Also, there was a side note at the bottom encouraging readers to share the article to spread the news. That is not exactly a trend you see in the New York Times. There are even hashtags for readers to use when telling others that Donald Trump is dead. There is a large picture that is very blurry and appears to be pretty photoshopped.

    1. I agree with you, this article was quite blatantly false. Donald Trump is as present in the media as ever, still our current President. This clearly shows that he is alive. Additionally, the Photoshop job is quite bad!
      Elizabeth (Liza) Goedde

    2. Way to find multiple hints that this article isn't kosher.


    This news looks like more than a story. The whole article is focusing on the process. The author didn't show any evidence or tell us any comments from the staff of the white house. It's more like fabricate. Plus, i don't think the white house will leave the nest there.


    First of all, the article is from The Onion, a source known for satirical articles. Second, the article is rather comical about a rather serious topic. The Super Bowl is very important in the world of sports. If this really happened, it would be hilarious, however Tom Brady would not like it very much. The article is obviously a satire as it is pretty outlandish.


    This article is about how Trump is offering free tickets to Africa and Mexico to those that want to leave America. I know that this is fake because there is no author name or place of information. Also, upon looking at the article the option to post onto facebook is a choice. In addition, when clicking on the data button there is no data available. Finally, the article is short and contains no direct quotes.


    This article is form, which is one of the listed untrustworthy sources mentioned above. Due to its quoting of which is another questionable source and the amount of advertisements scattered about the page it can clearly be determined to be fake. There is no definite author of the article either which is questionable and the piece as a whole is talking about some type of conspiracy of former president Obama currently wire taping phone calls of major political officials which is ridiculous.


    This article is about Steve Bannon building a nest for himself using environmental papers and other surprising resources. This article is obviously fake because it's just ridiculous. The article points uses environmental papers to poke fun at Steve Bannon and the rest of the Trump administration not believing in climate change. The source is also from The Onion, a satirical news site that is known for not being real.

    1. While the article itself is pretty funny, I agree with you, the story is ridiculous and definitely meant to be comedic.

    2. I don't read The Onion regularly, but maybe I need to because that's hysterical.


    Aside from the fact that the article is from Clickhole, another satirical news site, it is simply too ridiculous to be true. No parent would admit to monetizing their autistic child. The article starts off fairly reasonable, with the mother saying she started a blog where she would write about her experiences raising her autistic child, but then she goes on to say that she was finally able to accept her child's condition when she started selling ads on the blog. She says she "learned to stop seeing my son as 'disabled,' but rather as a source of untapped ad revenue.", obviously parodying parents who profit off their children's disabilities in one way or another. She also says that other parents raising autistic children will finally recognize how special their child is once they start monetizing him/her, which (again) is not something any sane, loving parent would say.


    This is from the onion, which as many other people have said is a satirical news source. Even if you did not know that the onion was a fake news source, this article is absurd to the point that you would question its validity. The article talks about intelligence reports given to President Trump being shortened to a single word. This is a joke poking fun at the idea that Trump is not intelligent and would therefore need to have reports simplifedfor him.


    This story is obviously just trying to make fun of embroidered jean pockets. While it is laid out just like a regular news articled and structured the same way. Also, the picture is pretty clearly staged. The article is simply meant to be for comedic purposes and is definitely not a reliable source of information.

    1. The onion articles are always absolutely absurd and hilarious, but undoubtedly fake.

    2. Clearly this isn't news because it only pertains to the one "humiliated" man. Like Vinnie said, The Onion's only goal in this case is to make fun of embroidered jeans.

    3. I surprised that The Union articles are short and not like any common article or news. I think that is not really a news and the article was not really important for us to take notice. I agree with Vinnie and Sergio that the article were purposely to make fun of the man and shows his stupidity in public.

      Aida Rosli


    First of all, this is an onion articular so it is satiracle. Besides this the article talks about pardononing a call in a hockey game that occurred almost twenty years ago.This article is so clearly absurd and humerous.

    I just found a article talking about the fake news webiste, five fake news website. This is not the specific fake news article, but it provides the list of website which published some fake articles.


    I knew this was fake news immediately after I read the title of the article. Clearly, the point of this article is to create humor and not to actually inform the public, as would be the goal of a true news outlet. Also, I had been a little familiar with The Onion before reading the article, so I knew that the website was based on satire.

    1. Yeah, just from reading articles in the past from the onion, I could instantly tell that this is a satirical article. My grandma would honestly probably believe this, but it doesn't fool the average internet user. Its a pretty funny read though and I enjoy the humor of the article overall because I definitely get a lot of my news from Facebook.

    2. Yes, the onion is a popular satire website. It is easy to tell it's fake news when you see who posted it. Sometimes if you miss the website title it can be easy to not know if it is real or not.


    I knew this was just trying to get clicks when I read the title. This title contained sensitive words like FIB, Hillary and Pedophile. People tend to believe FIB confirms that Hillary has Pedophile. However, the word this title use is "link". So this article just wants to make itself shocking so that it draw your attention and get more clicks.

    1. You're right,nothing seems to be true in the article.There is no clear information stated but only gives links to other sites.Nowadays,the internet is about getting views rather than giving clear and credible information.

    2. This is a great example because this article caused some dude with a gun to bust into that DC location because he took that fake news seriously.


    If you read this article, and only the article, you can't really tell to much that this is fake. Honestly, I could see someone winning the lottery and than coming to work on monday and defecating on their boss's desk. I mean, there is always going to be someone out there who really wants to do this to get back at their boss. But as the article goes on, it describes the article into satirical details, that a normal person wouldn't do. Like, "Hitting up every Mexican food truck and saved my dumps for all weekend." or "She shot her head towards me and locked eyes. I was frozen in shock and fear. In my peripheral vision I saw a huge mud-monkey sliming out of her butt like a Play-Doh fun factory.” Like who really would say that? If thats not enough to add to how fake this article is, the website called, "The Valley Report" has a symbol that looks similar to the presidential seal, but with a bunny in it. Overall a funny article to read, but just by using context clues in regards to the article and the website itself, you can infer that the article is probably fake.

    1. Haha, I've seen this headline before and totally assumed it was real. Teacher fail!


    I Knew this was a fake news once I read the title of the article.The title claims that Obama is running for another third term which is impossible to happen.It is just funny how people come up with this ideas and post it online.Since a president can only run for two terms,this article is clearly a fake news.


    Before this, I didn't know how to recognise a fake news, article, websites and etc. After I read this blog, I knew that if there is '' in the link, it will always be a fake version from an original sources. For instance, the link above must be a fake version of original sources in which I have to avoid reading it. Based on the article in the link above, clearly shows that the photo might be taken from somewhere else. Besides that, the article does not look like article, it is more like a story compared to news. There is no professionalism seen in writing this article.

    Aida Rosli

    1. Whoa, this is really tricky since ABC is an actual news source. Great find!


    The onion, a popular fake news and satire website, posted this news story about the NFL losing the rights to "Super Bowl". An easy way to realize it was fake was because it was by this notorious website. Another way I realized it was false was because the source they quoted was not a marketing expert but actually a famous actor.

    1. This article is clearly false as the NFL could not lose the rights to the super bowl since the super bowl is NFL game. Also, if the NFL did lose the rights to the super bowl it would be on ever news outlet. Another thing that made it suspicious was the price that the rights were bought for because its one of the biggest events in terms of viewership every year.

    First of all, I could tell that this website was suspicious because of the .co at the end of the address. In addition, the article is clearly baiting as is a ridiculous claim. After reading this, it was clear there was no evidence supporting these claims. I actually tried to look up the book in discussion, and it turns out there was no man names Paul Horner who ever worked for the secret service. The news story is completely made up. Yet, this article had many views and many must have believed it.

    Andrew Fleischer

    1. That is a major problem within society today. Many people do just read an article and accept it at face value because they don't want to do their own critical thinking and/or research. The worst is when someone only reads a headline and adds it to their list of crazy conspiracies. Good on you for actually looking up Paul Horner and being able to say no right away.

    2. Well, that would certainly be a twist.


    I first new that this article was fake because it was of The Valley Report, which is know for posting fake news. You could tell that this article was not a real article by the quotes that it contained. The basis of the article and the quote it contains are both so obscene that it is hard to believe. There is also not a mug shot for the picture that is associated with the article which would most likely be the picture associated with an article discussing an arrest.


    The onion is notoriously known for being a satirical news website, so it is not hard to tell that this is a fake news article. Without knowing the publisher however, the title also screams fake news. Nobody who makes it a significant distance in politics is crude enough to offer up their peers for immunity. They also would not be inclined to suggest that their peers have done illegal things while in office. I like The Onion however, because it brings to light how easy it is to make a sensational headline out of nothing.

  34. Breaking: LeBron James Leaning Toward Joining Al-Qaeda
    This is probably one of my favorite articles that're designed to make impulsive people mad before they read anything. Obviously there is no reason the Lebron James would ever join Al Qaeda, The Onion was only trying to play on the situation LeBron created by having a highly publicized drama about what team he'd sign with when he left Cleveland. So there was almost no time in between reading the title to actually saying "that's not real; outrageous headlines are what make The Onion The Onion. When you read the comment section, however, it is clear that not everyone gets the joke.

    1. I agree. The title is so absurd that I was skeptical from the beginning. However, I think the Onion does a good job of sounding like other normal news sources so it can definitely be difficult for people, especially if they do not know or suspect they a reading a satirical piece.

    2. Oh man, whenever someone posts an Onion article on Fb, there's always that oooone person.

    This article comes AmericanNews, which is not a solid news website since it is one of the listed untrustworthy sources mentioned above. Moreover I can not find the writer of this article. It talks about some type of conspiracy of former president Obama currently wire taping phone calls of major political officials. It is very unimaginable to hear such news

    This article comes from the onion, a satirical news website. The premise of the article is completely ridiculous as no one specific has real "control" over the internet. Additionally, how would we currently be communicating if the Internet had been turned off?
    Elizabeth (Liza) Goedde

    This article came from Christwire which is a satirical website, but I can definitely see people sharing this article and believing it to be true. Especially if people do not know much about Pokemon go, they may believe the gay people created this app to lure straight people in, which sounds absurd to me even explaining in this post. Hopefully, if someone were to share this article, they would look around the website and read other pieces to realize they are satirical and not real news.

    This was a fake news because it comes from a satirical website. Also there is no sign of the same news on the professional media such as CNN or The New York Times. In addition, the wording and paraphrasing in this article looks really wired and hard to understand. The author expresses his own opinion in this article and I believe this is a very unprofessional action. A valuable news should be just describing facts, definitely should not be biased
